I am currently laying in bed, t.v. on, but not watching it, with my husband sleeping next to me. We have had such a busy couple of months, he needs all the sleep he can get. I feel so sorry for him, having so much to do, and not getting enough sleep... he'll get to sleep in this weekend, hopefully.
Anyway... so, as some of you know, we have moved in with my parents. We are trying to save money, to put a house next door to them. They are supposed to give us an acre of land to put a house on, and I already have that house picked out!!! Just waiting until we can afford to get it. Kevin, my husband, has been working so hard this summer. He's an air conditioning repair man, so that is to be expected. The children are great, still not listening to me, and still yell and argue with everyone. One can only wish that they will, in time, get the idea of how things should work.
I am still a stay at home mother, and would love to go back to work just to help save money faster, but alas, am too afraid to leave my little one. That, and everything that I have found, well, stinks!! School will be starting again soon, and so will my unending want to home school my children. It always seems to really hit me when school is about to start. Maybe this year will be different, but I don't think so. I still have the drive to home school my kids, but no support system to encourage me to do so. I know that there are women out there that can understand what I am talking about. I will be fine, hopefully!! The girls will be going to a different school this year, so I hope that this school will be better than the last one... it was horrible in my opinion. I am going to see about being the room mother again, so that should help me cope with sending them to public school. My son will be home with me again this year, so I am going to home school him with pre-k stuff. Maybe he will be above average when he gets into pre-k next year. The first week of school is hard for him to deal with. Last year, he was a mess, not used to big sisters being gone all day long, and mommy is no fun!! We'll see how the next few weeks go. I am trying to prepare him now, for what coming. That's all for now. Wish me luck!!
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
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