Well, that didn't take long now did it? Yesterday the husband and I put together a compost pile. We had some left over fence material from where we planted the peas. We staked it on a 4 ft. radius. We wrapped the fence around the stakes and then tie strapped the fence together. It seriously only took 20 minutes and we were done. The husband started laughing at me as I was dumping all of the kitchen scraps and leaf piles into it. Look, it doesn't take much to please me these days. Any progress made is making me happy.
We had my father over for dinner last night. He was very excited for us with all of the progress we have made since the last time he was here. He even got into the spirit of homesteading... he kept walking around the yard mentally planning where he would put several things. (OH, over here you should put some fruit trees and here you could put the rain barrels and oh, I've been thinking about the chicken coop design...) I just smiled. I love him. He is leaving for 4 months next week for work. So, I will definatly be excited for him to return to see the garden at harvest time.
I've been looking on craig's list for fence material and wood to build the coop with. I emailed several people that had privacy fence for sale pretty cheap. I am really hoping that someone answeres my emails soon. You never know, someone might even say "come get it, I am tired of looking at it"... well, one can hope right?
Alright, I need to move on to my organizing of the house this week. I have several piles of laundry to do and get put away... the never ending saga. The children's rooms need to be put back together too. I did get the kitchen done, somewhat yesterday. We'll see what kind of progress is made this week. I am determined, finally.
Bess ya'll,
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
oh, i'm so excited for you! I need to come, by when school gets out and see all your wonderful homesteading... I'm jealous and so proud of you!
I am praying that someone will donate those chicken coop supplies too... hey that's how I got my double bunk beds... by the time I called them they said "You can have them if you will come get them TODAY!" I was there in 20 minutes!
love ya,
Hey, you might think no one reads your blog.. but you need to click the Top Rincon Blogs at the top of your Live Traffic Feed. You are listed on there... so am I from time to time. It computes it on how much traffic you have from your local area and local relevance to your area. You and I both made the list - I think that's pretty stinkin cool! Keep bloggin sister!
okay, I love you and all, but it's time for another blog post. I am missing my jamie humor! And just think, summer break is almost here and we can definitely hang out! Hope the garden and compost pile are coming along nicely!
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