It has been quite a week for me. First, I would like to say that my kids have been battling the "sickness" for a couple of months now... This last week has been hard.
Last Tuesday Lilly was sick with the snotty nose and croupe cough. She was running a slight fever so I kept her home from school. She was so pitiful. She stayed in my bed all day with me and we watched the movie Ocie Nash. We love that movie. Lilly wouldn't eat much and finally took a nap with me before the other kids got home from school. She was feeling better on Wednesday, so I sent her back to school.
On Wednesday morning, I woke up with a horrible migraine. I have been getting them more frequently lately. We don't have health insurance anymore (just within the last 2 weeks) so I had to battle it out on my own. Needless to say, I stayed in bed all day with the curtains closed and complete quiet... since I had thrown the clock that hung on the wall of our bedroom out the back door. The constant ticking was driving me insane... I later retrieved it from the yard though. (read- no wall clocks were harmed during my migraine)
By Thursday, I still had my migraine and sent the kids to school. By that afternoon, I started coughing. It hit me fast and hard. Picture this though......
me + migraine + coughing = serious head pain. I seriously would have taken a bullet at that point. It was horrible.
Come Thursday night, Lilly started feeling bad again. She was coughing very much like I was and again running a slight fever. She started complaining of stomach cramps. I just knew something was wrong with her. My husband's brain automatically went to appendicitis... mine went to the "my baby is hurting and I must get her help now" state. I talked to my mom (via texting- she works at an ER) and she said that it was going around like wild fire, to keep her home and giver her a breathing treatment and cough meds and alternate tylenol and motrin for fever. I immediatly did the breathing treatment and cough meds with tylenol. Needless to say, she stayed home from school again on Friday.
So, on Friday morning I sent the other kids to school and Lilly once again stayed in my bed all day watching House, M.D dvds. We all love that show. My headache was gone but my cough was getting worse by the hour. I also started running a low grade fever. Taking all the meds that I could think of, I was feeling horrible.
Saturday didn't bring any relief for me either. I was feeling putrid and thank God that my husband was home this weekend to take care of the kids. He had them outside playing while he let me sleep and finally be able to rest a little... between coughing up my lungs that is.
Sunday came and I still wasn't feeling any better, and trying to rest as much as possible. Now, think for a minute about how when you are stressed out- to the max... not feeling good... and you still have kids and a husband and a house to keep up with... whatcha' thinking at this point... AAAHHHHH!!!! *cough, hack*!! That is not only what I was feeling, but my husband as well. Tempers flared and words were shared and needless to say- we had a blow up between the hubs and I. Shocker, right? Feelings were hurt... but we both took a step back and talked about it later.
Fast forward 6 hours--------> We were in the kitchen that night, cooking and getting the table set for dinner. I asked my husband to get the pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge and put it on the table. He reached in the fridge and got the pitcher and he looked strange to me... struggling a bit with it. Now, I had just made a new pitcher of tea, so it was a little heavy... but come on, he's a big guy- he can handle it, right? No... His face was turning red and I finally looked at him and asked him what was wrong... that's when I saw it......... His hand... was... broken... Crap!!! Seriously? What the heck?
Seems that when we had out little "tiff" he was so upset at the situation that he punched something. NICE!! Hey- don't judge, I was proud that he didn't hit me! I applaud my husband for knowing when to step back from the situation and take it somewhere else. Looking back, we laugh at the "tiff". Like I said, we both are stressed out and tempers flare... we aren't perfect, we are human. We love each other more than anything. There is nothing that I won't do for that man, and vice versa. So, anyway- I had my dad take him to the ER to get ex rays and sure enough, he texted me and said..(this is the humor part) "Ironic, it's called a boxers fracture". So, when he got home I had to ask... "How ya' feeling Ali- are you floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee"? To this he replied... "No, I am floating like a Cadillac and stinging like a Beamer." (quote from the Disney movie, Cars) *snort.
I am still not feeling better, but at least through all of the stress, and stress on top of stress I can still wake up and know that without a doubt my husband loves me.... for me... and no other reason. Even if it makes him break a hand every once in a while. (I forgot to say that even though he had broken his hand that Sunday morning, he still changed the oil in my van that afternoon, while he had the kids outside playing to let me sleep.)
Bless ya'll,
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
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