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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My never ending TO-DO list

I have so much to do, and of course not enough time to do it in. We have a lot going on here so this list just keeps growing daily. Here are some examples of things that are needing to get checked off soon... With a sick child and a sick husband today, it doesn't like any of this will get done today.

1. BUILD A COOP- this has been on my list for almost 2 months now.
2. clean the children's rooms and declutter as I go.
3. clean master bedroom and declutter as I go.
4. clean kitchen and pantry.
5. clean laundry room and make room for additional food storage. (shelf units)
6. weed the garden and get rid of the nasty squash bugs that are threatening my plants.
7. prepare for the fall garden (we want to expand the growing area)
8. get a pressure canner and canning jars.
9. research buying a cow and chickens for the freezer.
10. prepare for the children's new school year ( clothes, supplies)

This is of course just a partial list. I have so much more that needs to be written down on here, but my mind won't slow down enough for me to get them straight. I hope I am not the only one that this happens to.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great summer so far, and I pray for each of you daily. I pray that God give you peace in the decisions that you are making, and I pray that you are seeking him in making those choices. I pray for your gardens, children, health, finances, animals, and much much more.

Bless ya'll,

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