So, these days I am under some added stress and really try to find things that make me smile. Here is a short list of some of those things.... hope you enjoy them as much as I do. First of all, she has an awsome web page. Secondly, she has started an online book entitled "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels". If you find that you have about an hour to sit and read, start here first. It will have you laughing and remembering your dating years. And another must on her site is the to read the embarrasing moments section. It nearly brought me to tears.
I love reading about peoples lives, allbeit blogs, facebook pages, or anything else. I find it interesting that we truly do go through the same things as other people, just not nessesarily in the same exact way. If you were to google the phrase "blogs about _____" ( fill in the blanks yourself) you would be amazed at what comes up. Spend the couple of minutes and find some new areas of the web that you may not have seen before. I find more blogs to read and enjoy by seeng all of the blogs that my friends read. Some of the ones that I now follow, this is how I found them.
Of course, I find joy in my children. (MOST DAYS) I find myself at times laughing at the things that they say. For instance, and this will probably come back to haunt me later on in life but here goes.... The other day my husband came home from work smelly and wet with sweat, nothing unusual about that right? Anyway, all of my children run to him with open arms when he comes home, this is an everyday occurance and one that I love to see, but I digress.. my son takes one whiff of my honey and says " Daddy, you smell like tootie" I DIED!! Now if that doesn't make you laugh I don't know what would. (FYI tootie is what we call the va-jay-jay) My husband laughed too, but he still gave me the quizzical look. He took a shower immediatly. Out of the mouth of babes.
We are country, by every stretch of the word, so we find it funny when someone toots (farts as some people call it, my grandmother calls it bunny-ing) So my children, for some unknown reason have the need to announce when they toot and so goes the laughing. Until somone does it in the grocery store like they did the other night and then it's not so funny for me anymore. But, I guess you reap what you sew and this is what my husband has sewn for me.... no, I am not taking any credit for this one.
Another thing that makes me laugh is seeing my girls sing along to the radio. They will jam out to a song when they think no one is looking, but the moment they see that you are watching them, they immediatly stop and run away to hide. The same thing happens when my daughter Hannah sees me watching her dance in the living room.
My son has started break dancing. He's 4 after all, isn't that what 4 year olds are doing nowadays? He feels the need to show everone his new tricks. Even the neighbors. He was accross the street Saturday break dancing in our neighbor's yard before I knew he was even gone... they didn't mind, thankfully.
The chickens are funny to watch as well. You should see 6 chickens fight over a bug. They look like they are playing a game of keepaway. They will chase each other all over the pen until one of them finally eats the thing. They also love to play "Eat the gnat off of the dogs butt when she isn't looking" game too. Poor Marley doesn't understand this game and keeps getting pecked in the behind. I have to admit it's funny.
I also find it funny that no matter how many loads of laundry I can do everyday, there is always more when I turn around. WHAT?? Does it multiply in the basket? The same thing goes for the dishes.
I find that my bills have a sense of humor too. I pay them and they keep coming back every month... They act like a stray dog that is looking for food. I wonder if I stop paying them if they would stop coming... hmm... better not try that one.
I find it amusing that I only have 2 followers on my blog, and I have been writing for over a year now. I know that my life is pretty boring, but so are yours people and I read your blogs.... Now lets see how many followers I end up with after saying that?? 0?
Okay, so now I get to go wash dishes, clothes, children and whatever else I can find to clean up. That shouldn't be hard to spot.
Bless ya'll,
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
Thanks for posting this. It is important to remember the happy things!
Hi, thanks for the comment on the Bosch and for visiting my blog. You probably have way more readers than you know. I think most people don't know they can "follow" blogs. I'll go back in your archives and see what you've been up to!
Hey! Now you have THREE followers ;-) Why did you never tell me you have a blog???? I've found you now. There's no hiding.....
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