My husband and I have been talking lately about moving. He has been looking for another job that would give him an advancement, and more pay. So far, he has sent out his resume to over 40 companies all over the south united states. He has heard from 3 of them within the last few days. Two of them are in the Charlotte, NC area, and one here in Savannah. He has a phone interview with one of the companies in Charlotte tomorrow, and also an interview in Savannah tomorrow. He will officially be unemployed in the morning. We have really prayed hard over the last few weeks about where God wants us to be. He, above all things will be the only one to decide where we end up. I really think, as a fleshly person, that we need to be farther away from here. I pray that God shows us very soon where we are to be, and what we are to be doing. I feel him, but haven't heard him yet. I know that he is with me everyday, and hope and pray that he be with my husband as well. I am really praying that he not speak to me about this, but to my husband. He (husband) needs to be the leader of this family, both spiritually and in his everyday leadership. He should be the one that God speaks to. Again, this is my flesh talking, and not quite sure if this is how it will happen. We can only keep praying, and watching our pennies until we hear...
Today the girls got their report cards from school. Hannah had 3 high B's and the rest were high A's with 4 1oo's. Lilly doesn't get actual number grades. She just gets a report on how she is progressing and if she is comprehending what she needs to learn. The "grades" are something like this... 3 means meets or exceeds expectations, 2 needs improvement, and 1 means they are exempt from that at this time... Lilly received a 3 on all of her actual learning letters, numbers, reading, ect... she received 2's on her behavior, socialization, ect... but we knew that she would be a spitfire... I am so proud of my girls. They continue to amaze me everyday.
Dale has been playing a lot lately, with a new suction cup dart gun. If you have a son, a 3 year old son, you know what I am talking about... He doesn't just play with the gun, he lives for this gun. He sleeps with it, he goes potty with it, he tries to shoot the dogs with it. He really loves his suction cup "shooter gun". He has gotten to be such a big boy in the last few months. He is finally growing enough, so much so that he actually fits in his average size 3t clothes, for his age. He has actually eaten meat 2 times this week. For those of you that don't know, my son really only like to eat peanut butter and little debbie cakes. He is an extremely picky eater and will not try anything new. So, for him to eat anything new this week is a milestone for him. I am proud of my little man.
Please continue to pray for us, if you don't mind. We will continue to pray and let God lead us. We are holding his hands and letting him lead the way.
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A night at the movies, makes for one determined wife and mother.
There have been a lot of things going on within the last few weeks. Some better than others, and still others are just yet another pothole in the road of life. I am a believer of all things happen for a reason, but those trying times make me wonder what in the world did I do to this earth to make it hate me so much. The other times, the good times, I take such great pride in what is going on in my life. I never took the time to give the thanks to the right place.
My husband and I went to the movies last night with some friends. We saw the movie Fireproof. It wasn't until then that I figured out why my life was unhappy and unfufilled. I haven't been giving God the proper accredidation for everything in my life. Good or bad, they are all there to teach me as I go along, and place me on the right path on this earth. What path that may be, I don't know yet, only God knows, and he isn't telling me just yet.
What a wonderful God we have. He, above all people and things in life, loves me and you without prejudice... forever! Wow!! That kind of love DOES NOT happen everyday. There is truly only one person that will ever love me, or you that much. We can strive to give and receive love of that magnitude, but never acheive it. Only one being will give you that much out of life and ask for only your love in return.
We came home from the movie, and it was late so we went on to bed. Today however, we discussed what we thought about the movie and talked for a while about what kind of marriage we both wanted. It was wonderful to know that we both wanted (roughly) the same things in our marriage. There were only minor differences. Those, we intend on working on the hardest. Those differences are the ones that will fester and boil over into a whole new problem. We both agreed that we will work together to make our marriage... Fireproof, unshakable, and unbreakable. I really want my husband to be honored to call me his wife, not obligated to. And, vice versa. The same goes for my children. I want them to feel honored to call me thier mother, not just another person that lives in the same house.
So, that is what is going on with me and my family. I hope to be able to let you all know of our progress soon. We are not going to rush this at all. We are going to take this one day at a time. I love all of you, and thanks for reading and supporting me on my journey of faith.
My husband and I went to the movies last night with some friends. We saw the movie Fireproof. It wasn't until then that I figured out why my life was unhappy and unfufilled. I haven't been giving God the proper accredidation for everything in my life. Good or bad, they are all there to teach me as I go along, and place me on the right path on this earth. What path that may be, I don't know yet, only God knows, and he isn't telling me just yet.
What a wonderful God we have. He, above all people and things in life, loves me and you without prejudice... forever! Wow!! That kind of love DOES NOT happen everyday. There is truly only one person that will ever love me, or you that much. We can strive to give and receive love of that magnitude, but never acheive it. Only one being will give you that much out of life and ask for only your love in return.
We came home from the movie, and it was late so we went on to bed. Today however, we discussed what we thought about the movie and talked for a while about what kind of marriage we both wanted. It was wonderful to know that we both wanted (roughly) the same things in our marriage. There were only minor differences. Those, we intend on working on the hardest. Those differences are the ones that will fester and boil over into a whole new problem. We both agreed that we will work together to make our marriage... Fireproof, unshakable, and unbreakable. I really want my husband to be honored to call me his wife, not obligated to. And, vice versa. The same goes for my children. I want them to feel honored to call me thier mother, not just another person that lives in the same house.
So, that is what is going on with me and my family. I hope to be able to let you all know of our progress soon. We are not going to rush this at all. We are going to take this one day at a time. I love all of you, and thanks for reading and supporting me on my journey of faith.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Job huntin', lyin', sewin' and farmin'
Job huntin' / lyin'
Well, the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least. My husband has been looking into getting another job, one where he can advance. He has been unhappy with his current position for the past few months. From what I understand, they are asking him to put his morals on the line with customers, and he is not willing to do that. That is one thing that my husband will not do, is lie to customers by telling them that they need new equipment, when they don't. Just to sell something, not happening. We know as much as anyone, what it is like to be poor and need a new air conditioner. We have been there. Had it not been for him working in the business, we wouldn't have been able to get a new unit. By the grace of God, his company at the time allowed us to put it on their account and pay for it along and along. In this current economy, he cannot see himself lying just to sell something, when most of his customers are feeling the financial crunch.
You know, my pet peeve is lying, but there are times when I, myself, lie. You know we all do it... we tell our friends the little white lie... it goes something like this. "No, that outfit looks great on you." Those lies, I don't have a problem with, because what is worse, hurting your best friend's feelings, or telling them that the purple shirt with lime green spots looks horrid with their skin tone.
Sewin' and farmin'
I have so many things that I want to learn how to do before I get too much older. One is canning, one is sewing, one is crocheting. I also want to have my own garden that really produces food. Not just midget sized veggies that are just teaser veggies. laughing at you for not using the right soil or fertilizers. Anyone that has had this happen, knows the feeling that you get when you go to check on your little babies and see that they have peaked and only have these little itsy bitsy things on them. UGH!! How much of an ego buster can they be? Anyway, I have gone to Walmart and bought fabric and a pattern to make hand made aprons for Christmas presents. I have cut out the pattern and some of the fabric to size, now I just need to get in there and figure out how they go together. Then sew it up and, violot', should have an apron, keeping my fingers crossed all the way. I will keep my canning lesson for another time, maybe late fall... we'll see.
So, IF my honey gets another job, he is looking all over the southeastern states, we will be moving. YES!!! I am so ready to move. I have never lived outside of this county and am really looking to see the rest of our world. We don't even go on vacation, with the exception of this summer when the kids and I went to Atlanta with my sister's family and my mother and grandmother. Who really counts that though, it was still in the state, so I don't.
I imagine myself with the plain lifestyle. Living in a little wooden cottage with a couple of acres and a really wood burning stove. Sewing all of the clothes. Having a "mini farm" with a couple of chickens, maybe a cow or goat for milk, and veggie patch. OH, what a life that would be . My dream come true. Well, one can dream, can't they???
Alright, well, back to my apron lesson. Hope that honey hears something soon from that job n Charlotte, NC... dreams come true everyday, so why can't mine?? I'll keep you posted.
Well, the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least. My husband has been looking into getting another job, one where he can advance. He has been unhappy with his current position for the past few months. From what I understand, they are asking him to put his morals on the line with customers, and he is not willing to do that. That is one thing that my husband will not do, is lie to customers by telling them that they need new equipment, when they don't. Just to sell something, not happening. We know as much as anyone, what it is like to be poor and need a new air conditioner. We have been there. Had it not been for him working in the business, we wouldn't have been able to get a new unit. By the grace of God, his company at the time allowed us to put it on their account and pay for it along and along. In this current economy, he cannot see himself lying just to sell something, when most of his customers are feeling the financial crunch.
You know, my pet peeve is lying, but there are times when I, myself, lie. You know we all do it... we tell our friends the little white lie... it goes something like this. "No, that outfit looks great on you." Those lies, I don't have a problem with, because what is worse, hurting your best friend's feelings, or telling them that the purple shirt with lime green spots looks horrid with their skin tone.
Sewin' and farmin'
I have so many things that I want to learn how to do before I get too much older. One is canning, one is sewing, one is crocheting. I also want to have my own garden that really produces food. Not just midget sized veggies that are just teaser veggies. laughing at you for not using the right soil or fertilizers. Anyone that has had this happen, knows the feeling that you get when you go to check on your little babies and see that they have peaked and only have these little itsy bitsy things on them. UGH!! How much of an ego buster can they be? Anyway, I have gone to Walmart and bought fabric and a pattern to make hand made aprons for Christmas presents. I have cut out the pattern and some of the fabric to size, now I just need to get in there and figure out how they go together. Then sew it up and, violot', should have an apron, keeping my fingers crossed all the way. I will keep my canning lesson for another time, maybe late fall... we'll see.
So, IF my honey gets another job, he is looking all over the southeastern states, we will be moving. YES!!! I am so ready to move. I have never lived outside of this county and am really looking to see the rest of our world. We don't even go on vacation, with the exception of this summer when the kids and I went to Atlanta with my sister's family and my mother and grandmother. Who really counts that though, it was still in the state, so I don't.
I imagine myself with the plain lifestyle. Living in a little wooden cottage with a couple of acres and a really wood burning stove. Sewing all of the clothes. Having a "mini farm" with a couple of chickens, maybe a cow or goat for milk, and veggie patch. OH, what a life that would be . My dream come true. Well, one can dream, can't they???
Alright, well, back to my apron lesson. Hope that honey hears something soon from that job n Charlotte, NC... dreams come true everyday, so why can't mine?? I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ready to move on...
Something has really been eating away at me lately. I want to move out of Effingham county. I don't know where this came from initially, but it is there nonetheless. I don't want my obituary to read...
Jamie from Effingham county Georgia, died yesterday. She was a stay at home mother, and wife.
That would be a nightmare for me if that happened. I want to get out there in this world and see all that I can. Experience different things, things that don't happen in this county. Don't get me wrong, I love this county. It is my home, and always will be. I just want to know what else is out there. Something is missing from my sad little life. Everyday, it is the same routine. I know that other people must feel like this sometimes, but it is really hitting me lately.
Anyway, on to other news. My honey is thinking of changing jobs again. He will never make a lateral move, if he moves at all it will be for a better position. I am the type of wife that feels this... If your husband isn't happy at the job he's at, but loves what he does, then by all means, change companies... Because, when he is happy, he makes a difference at home. I don't think of it as constantly changing jobs, because he does the same thing everywhere he goes... Its no different than a hairdresser changing salons...
The girls are doing great at school. Hannah's grades are getting better on her tests and she is making friends easily. Lilly has been struggling with her attitude, but I think she is learning boundaries with her teacher. She also makes good grades on her school work. My little man, Dale, is getting used to being the only one home during the days. He still won't help with cleaning his room, but he will help wash laundry, so I can't complain too much. Well, I can, but you don't want to read about that.
Friends are great, they constantly surround me with support and advice. So glad that each one of them are in my life. Have you ever noticed that each one of your friends are there for a different reason. You always have the one to call when you are sick, the one that you call when you want to be wild, one for when you are wanting a girls day at the mall... list goes on. I didn't know if that was just me, or if every one's friend's list was like this.
Until next time y'all. Take care.
Jamie from Effingham county Georgia, died yesterday. She was a stay at home mother, and wife.
That would be a nightmare for me if that happened. I want to get out there in this world and see all that I can. Experience different things, things that don't happen in this county. Don't get me wrong, I love this county. It is my home, and always will be. I just want to know what else is out there. Something is missing from my sad little life. Everyday, it is the same routine. I know that other people must feel like this sometimes, but it is really hitting me lately.
Anyway, on to other news. My honey is thinking of changing jobs again. He will never make a lateral move, if he moves at all it will be for a better position. I am the type of wife that feels this... If your husband isn't happy at the job he's at, but loves what he does, then by all means, change companies... Because, when he is happy, he makes a difference at home. I don't think of it as constantly changing jobs, because he does the same thing everywhere he goes... Its no different than a hairdresser changing salons...
The girls are doing great at school. Hannah's grades are getting better on her tests and she is making friends easily. Lilly has been struggling with her attitude, but I think she is learning boundaries with her teacher. She also makes good grades on her school work. My little man, Dale, is getting used to being the only one home during the days. He still won't help with cleaning his room, but he will help wash laundry, so I can't complain too much. Well, I can, but you don't want to read about that.
Friends are great, they constantly surround me with support and advice. So glad that each one of them are in my life. Have you ever noticed that each one of your friends are there for a different reason. You always have the one to call when you are sick, the one that you call when you want to be wild, one for when you are wanting a girls day at the mall... list goes on. I didn't know if that was just me, or if every one's friend's list was like this.
Until next time y'all. Take care.
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