Job huntin' / lyin'
Well, the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least. My husband has been looking into getting another job, one where he can advance. He has been unhappy with his current position for the past few months. From what I understand, they are asking him to put his morals on the line with customers, and he is not willing to do that. That is one thing that my husband will not do, is lie to customers by telling them that they need new equipment, when they don't. Just to sell something, not happening. We know as much as anyone, what it is like to be poor and need a new air conditioner. We have been there. Had it not been for him working in the business, we wouldn't have been able to get a new unit. By the grace of God, his company at the time allowed us to put it on their account and pay for it along and along. In this current economy, he cannot see himself lying just to sell something, when most of his customers are feeling the financial crunch.
You know, my pet peeve is lying, but there are times when I, myself, lie. You know we all do it... we tell our friends the little white lie... it goes something like this. "No, that outfit looks great on you." Those lies, I don't have a problem with, because what is worse, hurting your best friend's feelings, or telling them that the purple shirt with lime green spots looks horrid with their skin tone.
Sewin' and farmin'
I have so many things that I want to learn how to do before I get too much older. One is canning, one is sewing, one is crocheting. I also want to have my own garden that really produces food. Not just midget sized veggies that are just teaser veggies. laughing at you for not using the right soil or fertilizers. Anyone that has had this happen, knows the feeling that you get when you go to check on your little babies and see that they have peaked and only have these little itsy bitsy things on them. UGH!! How much of an ego buster can they be? Anyway, I have gone to Walmart and bought fabric and a pattern to make hand made aprons for Christmas presents. I have cut out the pattern and some of the fabric to size, now I just need to get in there and figure out how they go together. Then sew it up and, violot', should have an apron, keeping my fingers crossed all the way. I will keep my canning lesson for another time, maybe late fall... we'll see.
So, IF my honey gets another job, he is looking all over the southeastern states, we will be moving. YES!!! I am so ready to move. I have never lived outside of this county and am really looking to see the rest of our world. We don't even go on vacation, with the exception of this summer when the kids and I went to Atlanta with my sister's family and my mother and grandmother. Who really counts that though, it was still in the state, so I don't.
I imagine myself with the plain lifestyle. Living in a little wooden cottage with a couple of acres and a really wood burning stove. Sewing all of the clothes. Having a "mini farm" with a couple of chickens, maybe a cow or goat for milk, and veggie patch. OH, what a life that would be . My dream come true. Well, one can dream, can't they???
Alright, well, back to my apron lesson. Hope that honey hears something soon from that job n Charlotte, NC... dreams come true everyday, so why can't mine?? I'll keep you posted.
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
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