So, as I have said my son will be playing football this year. Last night he had his "evaluations" to see what he can do. Basically, all of the 5-6 year olds get on the field and all of the coaches have their little clip boards in hand and run them through drills to see how they tackle, etc...
We get there a little early, (cause that's how I roll) and let me tell ya'... it was hot as Boo out there. We walked to the other side of the field where there was the only set of bleachers out there, cause I am new at this and didn't think to bring my big butt a chair to sit in. (Which, I was also the only mommy that brought their son in full-on football gear too. Complete with helmet and pads..whatever!)
There was an older group doing their evals at that time, so they told us to hang tight and they would call us when they were ready. So, I sat my happy butt down on the bleachers for a few minutes. It gave my son time to run around like a demon spawn on crack while making all kinds of new "friends".
I just so happened to see a rather large group of youngins' on the opposite side of the field, walking onto the field with all kinds of engery... It could only be my son's group... so I yelled to him, (again, 'cause that's how I roll)that he needed to get his little fanny out there on that field and show 'em what he could do. He didn't see where I was pointing, 'cause that's how HE rolls...but I digress. I had to get up and walk out there on the field with him to take him to his group and when I stood up, I hit my danged pinky toe on my right foot on the stupid bleachers. I kept walking, 'cause this is NOTHING new for me to do, and just looked down at it with the "yup, that hurt but can't stop right now" thought.
When I got back to the bleachers and sat down, I saw it! I had ripped my danged toe nail off and it was hanging by a thread. OUCH! Son-of-a...!!! I called my mom at that point, not that I was hurting that bad and wanted my mommy but because she was to be there at any minute with my nephew for his evals and I wanted a bandaid.
So, football evals done we get home feed the spawn and get them bathed and in the bed and by this time, my foot feels like I could just cut the whole danged thing off and not have another worry. It hurt! I took off the bandaid to look at it and it was already purple and gross. I had not only dismembered my toe nail, but also broke the stupid toe. I swear, you can't take me anywhere.
Now, as stupid as that sounds, I am more peeved that I broke the toe, because I am afraid that I can't wear my kick boo-tay shoes to my high school reunion this Saturday night. But, me thinks that I am just gonna suck it up and wear them anyway... yup, 'cause they are THAT kick boo-tay!!!...and once again- 'cause that's how I roll!
PS- I am thinking of filing a Workman's comp. claim, 'cause technically it was done while working... cause I am a stay at home mommy and I was technically doing mommy duties. I wonder if I will get approved? HMMM, I'll let ya know how that one turns out.
PPS- There had better not be any high school type drama crap Saturday night either! Thank God that Big Daddy keeps some bail money set aside for me!
PPPS- Just warning ya, I WILL cut someone from A**hole to appetite...nah, not really- but I sounded tough... didn't I?
Bless Y'all,
This blog originally started as on online diary of sorts. As I write, I realize that it is also my way of finding out who I really am, and who I am made by God to be. I seem to write about everything. Cooking tips, homeschooling information, how to be a wife and mother and still keep your sanity. Wait, can that really happen? I hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for stopping by.
About Me

- Jamie Allen
- Newington, GA, United States
- I am a stay at home mother with 3 children. I have a very loving husband and I love my life... most days, lol. We live in a small country house in a very small country town in Georgia.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I have to say, that I am one happy camper right now. School started back for the kids yesterday and with only one hiccup in the day... I'd say it was so very nice to have the day to myself again.
What's the hiccup you ask? Well, it a funny story actually. I did the good mommy routine of taking my kids to school on their first day and walking them to class. I got home and was looking through my closet to try and piece together a rockin' outfit to wear this weekend to my 15 year high school reunion (UGH 15 years, I am getting old!) and found that I truly didn't have a thing to wear. It doesn't help that I am a stay at home (farmer)mom, so I got the wild hair to go shopping... cause that's how I roll, all flybytheseatofmypants and all... and did I mention that I had my days to myself again! So, off I went. I got to "town" and went store to store until I found something that would work, and really ended up with two outfits. (I should say that I am now known as the old crazy lady that kept them all in stitches in the clothing store and tried on practically everything in there, and only bought a shirt...yeah, the saleslady thought she was going to get a HUGE sale, but In YOUR FACE, I don't operate like that! and, Big Daddy would kill me.) Yes, I did say that I found two outfits, I found a dress and some dress pants to go with said shirt at the...gasp~ Dollar Store! WHAT?
Anywho, So, I rushed home with only about 20 minutes to spare before the crumb snatchers would be getting off the bus. Called my bestie and was talking to her while I waited ever so patiently on the front porch in the Georgia heat for the kids. As we were talking, I noticed that the time kept on ticking away, and yet there weren't any kids. I was getting nervous, but figured that it was the first day of school and all. Maybe there were some new students on the bus and the bus driver was trying to get used to the new I waited, and waited and waited.
Finally, my neighbor pulls up across the street and I yell out to her to ask if she has seen the bus anywhere around. To which she replied...."Honey, it's not time for the bus yet." WHAT? This lady has lost her eva-lovin' mind. Of course it is time for the bus, it's past time actually. The bus dropped the kids off last year promptly at 2:40 and it is pushing 3:15 at this point. So, after a couple of "you're so stupid" type of looks shot her way, she proceeds to tell me...wait for it.... that the school has changed it's hours this year and the kids don't get released from school until 2:55! Because our schools are only going 170 days this year and not the usual 180. Again, WHAT??? When were they going to tell me this?
Still on the phone at this point with the bestie, she suggests that I look it up in the student handbook, so I did. Only to say "I'llbedanged", you mean I get a whole extra hour to myself everyday this year??? Say it ain't so! YEE HAW!!!
I really love our schools this year! And, yes it's because I get a little bit of my sanity back.
Bless y'all,
What's the hiccup you ask? Well, it a funny story actually. I did the good mommy routine of taking my kids to school on their first day and walking them to class. I got home and was looking through my closet to try and piece together a rockin' outfit to wear this weekend to my 15 year high school reunion (UGH 15 years, I am getting old!) and found that I truly didn't have a thing to wear. It doesn't help that I am a stay at home (farmer)mom, so I got the wild hair to go shopping... cause that's how I roll, all flybytheseatofmypants and all... and did I mention that I had my days to myself again! So, off I went. I got to "town" and went store to store until I found something that would work, and really ended up with two outfits. (I should say that I am now known as the old crazy lady that kept them all in stitches in the clothing store and tried on practically everything in there, and only bought a shirt...yeah, the saleslady thought she was going to get a HUGE sale, but In YOUR FACE, I don't operate like that! and, Big Daddy would kill me.) Yes, I did say that I found two outfits, I found a dress and some dress pants to go with said shirt at the...gasp~ Dollar Store! WHAT?
Anywho, So, I rushed home with only about 20 minutes to spare before the crumb snatchers would be getting off the bus. Called my bestie and was talking to her while I waited ever so patiently on the front porch in the Georgia heat for the kids. As we were talking, I noticed that the time kept on ticking away, and yet there weren't any kids. I was getting nervous, but figured that it was the first day of school and all. Maybe there were some new students on the bus and the bus driver was trying to get used to the new I waited, and waited and waited.
Finally, my neighbor pulls up across the street and I yell out to her to ask if she has seen the bus anywhere around. To which she replied...."Honey, it's not time for the bus yet." WHAT? This lady has lost her eva-lovin' mind. Of course it is time for the bus, it's past time actually. The bus dropped the kids off last year promptly at 2:40 and it is pushing 3:15 at this point. So, after a couple of "you're so stupid" type of looks shot her way, she proceeds to tell me...wait for it.... that the school has changed it's hours this year and the kids don't get released from school until 2:55! Because our schools are only going 170 days this year and not the usual 180. Again, WHAT??? When were they going to tell me this?
Still on the phone at this point with the bestie, she suggests that I look it up in the student handbook, so I did. Only to say "I'llbedanged", you mean I get a whole extra hour to myself everyday this year??? Say it ain't so! YEE HAW!!!
I really love our schools this year! And, yes it's because I get a little bit of my sanity back.
Bless y'all,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Things that make me want to check myself into the women's prison...
So, It has been a little over 4 months since I last posted. I am guessing that I haven't been too terrible missed, because I only lost 1 follower. But, I guess if you look at it in terms of numbers, I lost 25% of my readers... oh well.
Okay, fine! I was going to list all (or at least some) things that make me want to check myself into the women's prison.... so here goes.
* my son, and all of his tantrums and the way that he literally climbs the walls. I kid not, I found a foot print on the top of his door jam the other day and couldn't for the life of me figure out how it got there until he showed me how he can climb the door jams. UGH!
* My girls and their pre-pubecent ways. I told my husband (aka Big Daddy) that when both of the girls go through puberty that he would have to race me to the door. No way I am getting left here alone with them.
* Trying to go to school online during the summer because the kids are out of school and we can't afford daycare and don't have access to people (friends/family) that can take them during the day... won't be doing this again.
* Cleaning this danged house everday, because the kids don't get the concept of putting stuff away when they are done with it.
* The never-ending pile of laundry... I swear, if one more thing lands in the dirty pile that I just washed and folded... I will snap!
* The broody hen that we have that won't let you collect the eggs, and also pecks the other 2 hens.
* The kids eating and drinking in the living room. I think that should be self explanatory.
* People smack talking Big Daddy behind his back.
* Neighborhood kids that can't get a clue. Seriously... "No, the kids can't play now, just like they couldn't play 15 minutes ago when you asked or the 5 other times you have been here this morning. Get a clue already!"
* Wal-Mart, again- 'nuf said.
* People that make really, really good money and still cry poor mouth. Try living paycheck to paycheck before you come crying to me.
* Stupid drivers.
* My gal bladder
So, that was just the "short list". I could probably go on all day, but again- I have that never ending laundry pile and dirty bedrooms to clean today.
I would say "I promise to blog more", but who am I kidding. I plan on dancing nekkid' in my livingroom on Monday because that's when the kids go back to school... and I WILL CELEBRATE!!!
Bless y'all,
Okay, fine! I was going to list all (or at least some) things that make me want to check myself into the women's prison.... so here goes.
* my son, and all of his tantrums and the way that he literally climbs the walls. I kid not, I found a foot print on the top of his door jam the other day and couldn't for the life of me figure out how it got there until he showed me how he can climb the door jams. UGH!
* My girls and their pre-pubecent ways. I told my husband (aka Big Daddy) that when both of the girls go through puberty that he would have to race me to the door. No way I am getting left here alone with them.
* Trying to go to school online during the summer because the kids are out of school and we can't afford daycare and don't have access to people (friends/family) that can take them during the day... won't be doing this again.
* Cleaning this danged house everday, because the kids don't get the concept of putting stuff away when they are done with it.
* The never-ending pile of laundry... I swear, if one more thing lands in the dirty pile that I just washed and folded... I will snap!
* The broody hen that we have that won't let you collect the eggs, and also pecks the other 2 hens.
* The kids eating and drinking in the living room. I think that should be self explanatory.
* People smack talking Big Daddy behind his back.
* Neighborhood kids that can't get a clue. Seriously... "No, the kids can't play now, just like they couldn't play 15 minutes ago when you asked or the 5 other times you have been here this morning. Get a clue already!"
* Wal-Mart, again- 'nuf said.
* People that make really, really good money and still cry poor mouth. Try living paycheck to paycheck before you come crying to me.
* Stupid drivers.
* My gal bladder
So, that was just the "short list". I could probably go on all day, but again- I have that never ending laundry pile and dirty bedrooms to clean today.
I would say "I promise to blog more", but who am I kidding. I plan on dancing nekkid' in my livingroom on Monday because that's when the kids go back to school... and I WILL CELEBRATE!!!
Bless y'all,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
what's happening..... now!
I finished my first quarter of school. By the grace of God, I finished with a 4.0 gpa. I received an e-mail stating that I made the President's list at the school. That gave me the thought that "Yes, I can do this". I am doing this!!
My girls also got their report cards the same day, and WOW was I impressed with them! The girls are working so hard to make good grades. Don't get me wrong, they still hate doing homework, and they still have the occasional day that they come home with a note from the teacher about not paying attention but all in all they are dong well. I was worried this year, but slowly they are making it work.
My son is writing his name very well now. They make all of the students sign-in in the mornings and that is helping him out a lot. I was worried about that at the beginning of the year when the teacher told me that "They" don't allow the teachers to work on writing skills in depth in pre-K anymore. It blew my mind when she said that. I am glad that she is taking the initiative to do it anyway. He has also been reciting numbers and letters out of books or off of the t.v. lately. I was floored when he read me a toll free number from a commercial the other day. I teared up. My baby is getting so big!
My husband's hand is getting better as well. Praise God that we love each other and acknowledge that neither one of us are perfect and that we will always have our differences of opinions. We talk through them though, and that makes me happy. He is still on the part time schedule at work and that is making our budget get ever tighter as the weeks tick by. We have exhausted all of our "reserve" money that I kept from out tax return to pay the bills. I have been trying to cut back as much as possible to help ease the budget crunch. I am hoping that it will only be another week or so before they go back to the full time schedule again. Summer is coming on fast, so that helps.
The kids start spring break this Friday and won't have to go back to school until April 12th. I however start spring quarter on Monday, so they will be spending the night with my in-laws on Sunday night (Easter) and I will get them back at some point during the week. I am so blessed by my in-laws!! Hannah's birthday is coming up fast, on the 9th. She turns 8 this year. Man, time flies when you have kids, doesn't it!! I want to plan on doing something special for her. I guess it will all depend on money at that point. She loves to cook, so maybe I will let her help me cook that night. (can you say win-win?)
I have made a self-commitment to not be on the computer once my husband gets home at night. I want to try to be able to have some more time with him, especially once the kids go to bed. We don't really get allot of time to talk about his day or my day and even what's happening in the kids' lives at that point. There seems to never be enough time in the day to fit it all in. So, this is my way of trying to help the situation.
I have also decided to restart my Dave Ramsey financial book. I would love to be able to do the Financial webinar program that he has, but it costs about $100 to do it, and there isn't money in the budget for that. A friend of mine on Facebook said that he held a yard sale for him and his wife to do it, sounds like a good idea to me. There is plenty of stuff that we need to get rid of around here anyway. I told my husband at the beginning of the year that THIS would be our year, and so far we have wasted 3 months of it. We really need to get it together and do things right, especially with our money.
I am so proud of my girls for singing at church this week. Well, Lilly did great in practice (singing and smiling) but then when it came time to sing in front of a whole church, she had a melt down and just stood at the alter with her fists on her chin. Oh well, Hannah sang (like a deer in the headlights). They did great though. I am also proud to say that our little small church's children have planted a (5 raised beds) vegetable garden. They plan on building a veggie stand for the kids to be able to sell their goods at harvest time, or give away the food to the needy families in our area. Our church also helps support a food bank, so some of the veggies may find their way there too. It warms my heart that all of the kids are so into getting this project done. They have all been so excited about it. My kids want to walk over there every afternoon to check on the plants.
I also want to say Thank You for reading my blog. I may only have 4 followers, but it amazes me that 4 people want to read about this weird, wife, mommy, student, wanna be farmer redneck with issues. I would love to hear if any of you have done the Dave Ramsey way of finances. I have heard great things about it, but didn't know if any of you had experience with it.
Bless y'all,
My girls also got their report cards the same day, and WOW was I impressed with them! The girls are working so hard to make good grades. Don't get me wrong, they still hate doing homework, and they still have the occasional day that they come home with a note from the teacher about not paying attention but all in all they are dong well. I was worried this year, but slowly they are making it work.
My son is writing his name very well now. They make all of the students sign-in in the mornings and that is helping him out a lot. I was worried about that at the beginning of the year when the teacher told me that "They" don't allow the teachers to work on writing skills in depth in pre-K anymore. It blew my mind when she said that. I am glad that she is taking the initiative to do it anyway. He has also been reciting numbers and letters out of books or off of the t.v. lately. I was floored when he read me a toll free number from a commercial the other day. I teared up. My baby is getting so big!
My husband's hand is getting better as well. Praise God that we love each other and acknowledge that neither one of us are perfect and that we will always have our differences of opinions. We talk through them though, and that makes me happy. He is still on the part time schedule at work and that is making our budget get ever tighter as the weeks tick by. We have exhausted all of our "reserve" money that I kept from out tax return to pay the bills. I have been trying to cut back as much as possible to help ease the budget crunch. I am hoping that it will only be another week or so before they go back to the full time schedule again. Summer is coming on fast, so that helps.
The kids start spring break this Friday and won't have to go back to school until April 12th. I however start spring quarter on Monday, so they will be spending the night with my in-laws on Sunday night (Easter) and I will get them back at some point during the week. I am so blessed by my in-laws!! Hannah's birthday is coming up fast, on the 9th. She turns 8 this year. Man, time flies when you have kids, doesn't it!! I want to plan on doing something special for her. I guess it will all depend on money at that point. She loves to cook, so maybe I will let her help me cook that night. (can you say win-win?)
I have made a self-commitment to not be on the computer once my husband gets home at night. I want to try to be able to have some more time with him, especially once the kids go to bed. We don't really get allot of time to talk about his day or my day and even what's happening in the kids' lives at that point. There seems to never be enough time in the day to fit it all in. So, this is my way of trying to help the situation.
I have also decided to restart my Dave Ramsey financial book. I would love to be able to do the Financial webinar program that he has, but it costs about $100 to do it, and there isn't money in the budget for that. A friend of mine on Facebook said that he held a yard sale for him and his wife to do it, sounds like a good idea to me. There is plenty of stuff that we need to get rid of around here anyway. I told my husband at the beginning of the year that THIS would be our year, and so far we have wasted 3 months of it. We really need to get it together and do things right, especially with our money.
I am so proud of my girls for singing at church this week. Well, Lilly did great in practice (singing and smiling) but then when it came time to sing in front of a whole church, she had a melt down and just stood at the alter with her fists on her chin. Oh well, Hannah sang (like a deer in the headlights). They did great though. I am also proud to say that our little small church's children have planted a (5 raised beds) vegetable garden. They plan on building a veggie stand for the kids to be able to sell their goods at harvest time, or give away the food to the needy families in our area. Our church also helps support a food bank, so some of the veggies may find their way there too. It warms my heart that all of the kids are so into getting this project done. They have all been so excited about it. My kids want to walk over there every afternoon to check on the plants.
I also want to say Thank You for reading my blog. I may only have 4 followers, but it amazes me that 4 people want to read about this weird, wife, mommy, student, wanna be farmer redneck with issues. I would love to hear if any of you have done the Dave Ramsey way of finances. I have heard great things about it, but didn't know if any of you had experience with it.
Bless y'all,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Oh Me, Oh My
It has been quite a week for me. First, I would like to say that my kids have been battling the "sickness" for a couple of months now... This last week has been hard.
Last Tuesday Lilly was sick with the snotty nose and croupe cough. She was running a slight fever so I kept her home from school. She was so pitiful. She stayed in my bed all day with me and we watched the movie Ocie Nash. We love that movie. Lilly wouldn't eat much and finally took a nap with me before the other kids got home from school. She was feeling better on Wednesday, so I sent her back to school.
On Wednesday morning, I woke up with a horrible migraine. I have been getting them more frequently lately. We don't have health insurance anymore (just within the last 2 weeks) so I had to battle it out on my own. Needless to say, I stayed in bed all day with the curtains closed and complete quiet... since I had thrown the clock that hung on the wall of our bedroom out the back door. The constant ticking was driving me insane... I later retrieved it from the yard though. (read- no wall clocks were harmed during my migraine)
By Thursday, I still had my migraine and sent the kids to school. By that afternoon, I started coughing. It hit me fast and hard. Picture this though......
me + migraine + coughing = serious head pain. I seriously would have taken a bullet at that point. It was horrible.
Come Thursday night, Lilly started feeling bad again. She was coughing very much like I was and again running a slight fever. She started complaining of stomach cramps. I just knew something was wrong with her. My husband's brain automatically went to appendicitis... mine went to the "my baby is hurting and I must get her help now" state. I talked to my mom (via texting- she works at an ER) and she said that it was going around like wild fire, to keep her home and giver her a breathing treatment and cough meds and alternate tylenol and motrin for fever. I immediatly did the breathing treatment and cough meds with tylenol. Needless to say, she stayed home from school again on Friday.
So, on Friday morning I sent the other kids to school and Lilly once again stayed in my bed all day watching House, M.D dvds. We all love that show. My headache was gone but my cough was getting worse by the hour. I also started running a low grade fever. Taking all the meds that I could think of, I was feeling horrible.
Saturday didn't bring any relief for me either. I was feeling putrid and thank God that my husband was home this weekend to take care of the kids. He had them outside playing while he let me sleep and finally be able to rest a little... between coughing up my lungs that is.
Sunday came and I still wasn't feeling any better, and trying to rest as much as possible. Now, think for a minute about how when you are stressed out- to the max... not feeling good... and you still have kids and a husband and a house to keep up with... whatcha' thinking at this point... AAAHHHHH!!!! *cough, hack*!! That is not only what I was feeling, but my husband as well. Tempers flared and words were shared and needless to say- we had a blow up between the hubs and I. Shocker, right? Feelings were hurt... but we both took a step back and talked about it later.
Fast forward 6 hours--------> We were in the kitchen that night, cooking and getting the table set for dinner. I asked my husband to get the pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge and put it on the table. He reached in the fridge and got the pitcher and he looked strange to me... struggling a bit with it. Now, I had just made a new pitcher of tea, so it was a little heavy... but come on, he's a big guy- he can handle it, right? No... His face was turning red and I finally looked at him and asked him what was wrong... that's when I saw it......... His hand... was... broken... Crap!!! Seriously? What the heck?
Seems that when we had out little "tiff" he was so upset at the situation that he punched something. NICE!! Hey- don't judge, I was proud that he didn't hit me! I applaud my husband for knowing when to step back from the situation and take it somewhere else. Looking back, we laugh at the "tiff". Like I said, we both are stressed out and tempers flare... we aren't perfect, we are human. We love each other more than anything. There is nothing that I won't do for that man, and vice versa. So, anyway- I had my dad take him to the ER to get ex rays and sure enough, he texted me and said..(this is the humor part) "Ironic, it's called a boxers fracture". So, when he got home I had to ask... "How ya' feeling Ali- are you floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee"? To this he replied... "No, I am floating like a Cadillac and stinging like a Beamer." (quote from the Disney movie, Cars) *snort.
I am still not feeling better, but at least through all of the stress, and stress on top of stress I can still wake up and know that without a doubt my husband loves me.... for me... and no other reason. Even if it makes him break a hand every once in a while. (I forgot to say that even though he had broken his hand that Sunday morning, he still changed the oil in my van that afternoon, while he had the kids outside playing to let me sleep.)
Bless ya'll,
Last Tuesday Lilly was sick with the snotty nose and croupe cough. She was running a slight fever so I kept her home from school. She was so pitiful. She stayed in my bed all day with me and we watched the movie Ocie Nash. We love that movie. Lilly wouldn't eat much and finally took a nap with me before the other kids got home from school. She was feeling better on Wednesday, so I sent her back to school.
On Wednesday morning, I woke up with a horrible migraine. I have been getting them more frequently lately. We don't have health insurance anymore (just within the last 2 weeks) so I had to battle it out on my own. Needless to say, I stayed in bed all day with the curtains closed and complete quiet... since I had thrown the clock that hung on the wall of our bedroom out the back door. The constant ticking was driving me insane... I later retrieved it from the yard though. (read- no wall clocks were harmed during my migraine)
By Thursday, I still had my migraine and sent the kids to school. By that afternoon, I started coughing. It hit me fast and hard. Picture this though......
me + migraine + coughing = serious head pain. I seriously would have taken a bullet at that point. It was horrible.
Come Thursday night, Lilly started feeling bad again. She was coughing very much like I was and again running a slight fever. She started complaining of stomach cramps. I just knew something was wrong with her. My husband's brain automatically went to appendicitis... mine went to the "my baby is hurting and I must get her help now" state. I talked to my mom (via texting- she works at an ER) and she said that it was going around like wild fire, to keep her home and giver her a breathing treatment and cough meds and alternate tylenol and motrin for fever. I immediatly did the breathing treatment and cough meds with tylenol. Needless to say, she stayed home from school again on Friday.
So, on Friday morning I sent the other kids to school and Lilly once again stayed in my bed all day watching House, M.D dvds. We all love that show. My headache was gone but my cough was getting worse by the hour. I also started running a low grade fever. Taking all the meds that I could think of, I was feeling horrible.
Saturday didn't bring any relief for me either. I was feeling putrid and thank God that my husband was home this weekend to take care of the kids. He had them outside playing while he let me sleep and finally be able to rest a little... between coughing up my lungs that is.
Sunday came and I still wasn't feeling any better, and trying to rest as much as possible. Now, think for a minute about how when you are stressed out- to the max... not feeling good... and you still have kids and a husband and a house to keep up with... whatcha' thinking at this point... AAAHHHHH!!!! *cough, hack*!! That is not only what I was feeling, but my husband as well. Tempers flared and words were shared and needless to say- we had a blow up between the hubs and I. Shocker, right? Feelings were hurt... but we both took a step back and talked about it later.
Fast forward 6 hours--------> We were in the kitchen that night, cooking and getting the table set for dinner. I asked my husband to get the pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge and put it on the table. He reached in the fridge and got the pitcher and he looked strange to me... struggling a bit with it. Now, I had just made a new pitcher of tea, so it was a little heavy... but come on, he's a big guy- he can handle it, right? No... His face was turning red and I finally looked at him and asked him what was wrong... that's when I saw it......... His hand... was... broken... Crap!!! Seriously? What the heck?
Seems that when we had out little "tiff" he was so upset at the situation that he punched something. NICE!! Hey- don't judge, I was proud that he didn't hit me! I applaud my husband for knowing when to step back from the situation and take it somewhere else. Looking back, we laugh at the "tiff". Like I said, we both are stressed out and tempers flare... we aren't perfect, we are human. We love each other more than anything. There is nothing that I won't do for that man, and vice versa. So, anyway- I had my dad take him to the ER to get ex rays and sure enough, he texted me and said..(this is the humor part) "Ironic, it's called a boxers fracture". So, when he got home I had to ask... "How ya' feeling Ali- are you floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee"? To this he replied... "No, I am floating like a Cadillac and stinging like a Beamer." (quote from the Disney movie, Cars) *snort.
I am still not feeling better, but at least through all of the stress, and stress on top of stress I can still wake up and know that without a doubt my husband loves me.... for me... and no other reason. Even if it makes him break a hand every once in a while. (I forgot to say that even though he had broken his hand that Sunday morning, he still changed the oil in my van that afternoon, while he had the kids outside playing to let me sleep.)
Bless ya'll,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Storm is Brewing...
I can feel a storm brewing. You know, the kind that you can feel in your bones. The kind that will no doubt have an impact on your life in some way. That is the kind of storm that I am feeling is headed my way.
It has been building for a couple of months now. About six to be exact. I can't tell you an exact time that it began, but I know that it is coming. And with it could bring joy or extreme pain. I won't know until the day that it hits me.
Over the last few months, I have been so busy trying to set my life in motion with the future that I wanted. I have started college and have been trying to get my thoughts in-tuned with the future that I want to live. I have been pushing my family in the direction that I want to go, and haven't even considered the affect that it may have on them.
I may be wrong in doing that, or I may be on the right track... who knows yet. All I can do is my best, or what I think may be best at that time. I can't explain where these feelings are coming from, but I can seriously feel it in my bones. And that- scares the hell out of me.
Every morning when I wake up, I start the coffee for my husband. I set out his daily vitamins and tell him to have a great day and to drive safely. I get the kids up and ready for school and then on the bus... and pray that they look half-way decent. I drink my morning coffee while checking my e-mails and then get ready for school if it is a school day. If it's not, then I usually have homework to do. I then start a load of laundry and eat some breakfast. My day seems to always get off track at this point. It is about now that I feel lost. I honestly get so caught up in everything that has to be done that I never start to do any of it. By the end of the day, I have essentially started a load of laundry and never finished it and that is about the extent of it. Somewhere along the way I have gotten lost.
How does this happen? Do I have ADD? Maybe. I don't know how it happens, or even why it happens. I AM NOT PERFECT! I think that I have let myself bite off more than I can chew. I can't seem to find the balance for my life right now. How can I move forward if I am getting bogged down in the now of my life?
I have been getting severe migraines over the last few months. I can usually expect to get one just before my cycle, but they are coming closer together and twice the pain. I have no clue what is causing them either. I can only assume that it is stress induced. I haven't done anything to aleviate any of that stress either, only added to it... with the kids and school and PTO meetings (which I have missed 2 times now, ugh!) and then the husband and other child and all of that drama that goes along with the ex-wife. I can't seem to keep my head above water these days. Why have I let my life spriral out of control like this?
I have some meds in my medicine cabinet. I could be taking them and feeling better, but for some reason they are just sitting there. I can't seem to bring myself to take them. I have no idea why not. I know that they can only help me. I think maybe I look at them as me throwing in the towel. I look at them as me admitting that I am not Super Mom and I can't do it all.
As stupid as that sounds, it is what it is. I feel hopeless at this point. Completely useless to my family. Totally burnt out with life and I should be in my prime right about now. What is it that is making me feel so damned depressed? I have a great husband, wonderful kids and a 4.0 gpa in school. You would think that I would be on cloud nine right now. Instead, I am having one hell of a pity party for myself.
I guess what I am asking is, please pray for me. I seem to have lost that loving feeling for myself and I want to get it back, asap! I don't think that my husband can keep going it alone for the next 18 months while I finish school. He is worried about me and I don't want to add that stress to him either.
Sorry that this is a bummer of a post, but I had to get it out... or down- whatever. Any suggestions would be appreciated at this point... especially if you are going to suggest that you come clean my house for me... That would rock in my book.
Bless y'all,
It has been building for a couple of months now. About six to be exact. I can't tell you an exact time that it began, but I know that it is coming. And with it could bring joy or extreme pain. I won't know until the day that it hits me.
Over the last few months, I have been so busy trying to set my life in motion with the future that I wanted. I have started college and have been trying to get my thoughts in-tuned with the future that I want to live. I have been pushing my family in the direction that I want to go, and haven't even considered the affect that it may have on them.
I may be wrong in doing that, or I may be on the right track... who knows yet. All I can do is my best, or what I think may be best at that time. I can't explain where these feelings are coming from, but I can seriously feel it in my bones. And that- scares the hell out of me.
Every morning when I wake up, I start the coffee for my husband. I set out his daily vitamins and tell him to have a great day and to drive safely. I get the kids up and ready for school and then on the bus... and pray that they look half-way decent. I drink my morning coffee while checking my e-mails and then get ready for school if it is a school day. If it's not, then I usually have homework to do. I then start a load of laundry and eat some breakfast. My day seems to always get off track at this point. It is about now that I feel lost. I honestly get so caught up in everything that has to be done that I never start to do any of it. By the end of the day, I have essentially started a load of laundry and never finished it and that is about the extent of it. Somewhere along the way I have gotten lost.
How does this happen? Do I have ADD? Maybe. I don't know how it happens, or even why it happens. I AM NOT PERFECT! I think that I have let myself bite off more than I can chew. I can't seem to find the balance for my life right now. How can I move forward if I am getting bogged down in the now of my life?
I have been getting severe migraines over the last few months. I can usually expect to get one just before my cycle, but they are coming closer together and twice the pain. I have no clue what is causing them either. I can only assume that it is stress induced. I haven't done anything to aleviate any of that stress either, only added to it... with the kids and school and PTO meetings (which I have missed 2 times now, ugh!) and then the husband and other child and all of that drama that goes along with the ex-wife. I can't seem to keep my head above water these days. Why have I let my life spriral out of control like this?
I have some meds in my medicine cabinet. I could be taking them and feeling better, but for some reason they are just sitting there. I can't seem to bring myself to take them. I have no idea why not. I know that they can only help me. I think maybe I look at them as me throwing in the towel. I look at them as me admitting that I am not Super Mom and I can't do it all.
As stupid as that sounds, it is what it is. I feel hopeless at this point. Completely useless to my family. Totally burnt out with life and I should be in my prime right about now. What is it that is making me feel so damned depressed? I have a great husband, wonderful kids and a 4.0 gpa in school. You would think that I would be on cloud nine right now. Instead, I am having one hell of a pity party for myself.
I guess what I am asking is, please pray for me. I seem to have lost that loving feeling for myself and I want to get it back, asap! I don't think that my husband can keep going it alone for the next 18 months while I finish school. He is worried about me and I don't want to add that stress to him either.
Sorry that this is a bummer of a post, but I had to get it out... or down- whatever. Any suggestions would be appreciated at this point... especially if you are going to suggest that you come clean my house for me... That would rock in my book.
Bless y'all,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This is what my current event looks like... for this week...
Letter to the Editor:
According to the Georgia Organics newsletter for February 2010, there will be another wave of support for the Farmers markets in Georgia this year.
The USDA’s grant for outreach, education and equipment made it possible for the food stamp program to try a pilot program allowing food stamps to be used at Georgia’s farmers markets. Initially three farmers markets were taking the food stamps. One of which was located in Savannah.
Georgia Organics has teamed up with the Wholesome Wave Project allowing the food stamps value to double at the farmers markets. This project is aimed at trying to lower the obesity levels of our state, especially the children of Georgia.
I understand that the food stamp program is exists to help the needy families get back on their feet and to make sure that no one goes hungry. I love the fact that they are now going to be able to have access to wholesome, healthy and locally grown foods for their families. I do however wonder how well this will catch on.
Last year being the first year of the pilot program with the farmers markets, only $2801 was reimbursed as part of this program. That accounted for $5600 worth of fresh foods. That dollar amount was from three major farmers markets from around the state. That makes me weary of this programs success. I can only hope that this program catches on quickly.
It makes me wonder where the minds of the parents are at these days with healthy eating habits for their families. Georgia ranks third in the nation for obesity. That is a scary place to be. I have 4 children and worry about every little thing that they are eating at school and while they are away from home. I try very hard to only purchase healthy foods to have around the house, especially for snacks. I just looked in my pantry, and wow do I have some rethinking to do. I found all sorts of unhealthy snacks in there. Some, I have to admit I buy just to see the smile on their faces and to get the “Thanks Mom”. I shouldn’t let that be a driving force behind what I purchase though. My main motivation should be the health of my children. It is hard to implement new dietary items into your children’s menu.
I would hope that more families, including my own would take a hearty look at what they are putting into their bodies as fuel. If every family in Georgia would give a farmers market a try, then that would not only help the locally grown markets but also give the people a little sense of what eating fresh is all about.
So, I challenge each and every one of you to eat locally once a week for a month. That sounds easy enough. right? That equates to the mighty four times in a month of supporting your local farmers and also makes you eat fresh once a week. Can you do it?
I am doing this for my family for the month of February and I will see how it goes. I don’t think it should be too hard, but we shall see.
So, as you can see we have to write it as if we were writing our local newspaper. I hope I get a good grade on this one. I will post my one from last week in a few minutes.
According to the Georgia Organics newsletter for February 2010, there will be another wave of support for the Farmers markets in Georgia this year.
The USDA’s grant for outreach, education and equipment made it possible for the food stamp program to try a pilot program allowing food stamps to be used at Georgia’s farmers markets. Initially three farmers markets were taking the food stamps. One of which was located in Savannah.
Georgia Organics has teamed up with the Wholesome Wave Project allowing the food stamps value to double at the farmers markets. This project is aimed at trying to lower the obesity levels of our state, especially the children of Georgia.
I understand that the food stamp program is exists to help the needy families get back on their feet and to make sure that no one goes hungry. I love the fact that they are now going to be able to have access to wholesome, healthy and locally grown foods for their families. I do however wonder how well this will catch on.
Last year being the first year of the pilot program with the farmers markets, only $2801 was reimbursed as part of this program. That accounted for $5600 worth of fresh foods. That dollar amount was from three major farmers markets from around the state. That makes me weary of this programs success. I can only hope that this program catches on quickly.
It makes me wonder where the minds of the parents are at these days with healthy eating habits for their families. Georgia ranks third in the nation for obesity. That is a scary place to be. I have 4 children and worry about every little thing that they are eating at school and while they are away from home. I try very hard to only purchase healthy foods to have around the house, especially for snacks. I just looked in my pantry, and wow do I have some rethinking to do. I found all sorts of unhealthy snacks in there. Some, I have to admit I buy just to see the smile on their faces and to get the “Thanks Mom”. I shouldn’t let that be a driving force behind what I purchase though. My main motivation should be the health of my children. It is hard to implement new dietary items into your children’s menu.
I would hope that more families, including my own would take a hearty look at what they are putting into their bodies as fuel. If every family in Georgia would give a farmers market a try, then that would not only help the locally grown markets but also give the people a little sense of what eating fresh is all about.
So, I challenge each and every one of you to eat locally once a week for a month. That sounds easy enough. right? That equates to the mighty four times in a month of supporting your local farmers and also makes you eat fresh once a week. Can you do it?
I am doing this for my family for the month of February and I will see how it goes. I don’t think it should be too hard, but we shall see.
So, as you can see we have to write it as if we were writing our local newspaper. I hope I get a good grade on this one. I will post my one from last week in a few minutes.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I stink at blogging...and other stuff.
I just want to apologize for my lack of concern to my blog. I love reading everyone Else's blogs, but find it hard to write my own. The constant thought of having to be funny or write about something that everyone else will want to read. UGH! It's painful.
I don't have a glamorous life, so I don't have too much to write about other than kids and husband junk. Who really cares about that kind of stuff though? Oh well, they say to go with what you got, so kids and husband junk it is!
The kids are fine and the husband works all the time.
There, you have been updated.
No, really. I started school yesterday. I am going to an area technical college to get an Agri-Business degree. It should take about 18 months to finish, but with me taking a full load, I am hoping to finish in about 15 months. I think this fits me to a T. Well, that and the fact that I had been researching farming loans and if I have this 2 year degree and complete 1 growing cycle of whatever crop or livestock that I choose, I could qualify for a million plus in government farm loans at a very low interest rate. So, that nailed it for me. When I told my husband this, he all but filled out the paperwork for me. I lucked up and qualified for the Hope grant and also a Pell grant. That means, I don't have to pay for school. That is such a huge blessing for us.
I was worried about going back to school at my age. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not too terribly old, but in my mind going to school with "kids" that just got out of high school worried me. I mean, I have been married longer than they have had their drivers licenses. And I have had kids longer! But, to my surprise, I was not the only older person in the classes... and not the only female either. I was relieved. The professor was very nice and helpful and also just around my age. It was really a nice time. We didn't stay the whole time, because it was the first day. We just pretty much went over what all we will be learning in these classes this quarter and what supplies we will need... then he gave homework. Yeah, on the first day. But it was okay, I got the majority of it done last night and need to go work on some now.
The kids are okay, grades are struggling but they will pull it together before too long. We are constantly working on the reading and math. Money and making change seems to be what Hannah struggles with the most. Lilly doesn't struggle with too much other than herself. If she thinks she can't do it, then it is hard to get her to try. Dale is just in pre-K so they don't tend to do much other than play learning.
Alright, I have to get the rest of my homework done and get ready for the PTO meeting this afternoon. And wash clothes and load the dishwasher. Whew, I hope I get used to all this excitement in my life. And, I hope I get better at blogging. I don't even truly understand how to load pictures on this thing. I need someone to teach a class on blogging. Any takers?
Bless ya'll,
I don't have a glamorous life, so I don't have too much to write about other than kids and husband junk. Who really cares about that kind of stuff though? Oh well, they say to go with what you got, so kids and husband junk it is!
The kids are fine and the husband works all the time.
There, you have been updated.
No, really. I started school yesterday. I am going to an area technical college to get an Agri-Business degree. It should take about 18 months to finish, but with me taking a full load, I am hoping to finish in about 15 months. I think this fits me to a T. Well, that and the fact that I had been researching farming loans and if I have this 2 year degree and complete 1 growing cycle of whatever crop or livestock that I choose, I could qualify for a million plus in government farm loans at a very low interest rate. So, that nailed it for me. When I told my husband this, he all but filled out the paperwork for me. I lucked up and qualified for the Hope grant and also a Pell grant. That means, I don't have to pay for school. That is such a huge blessing for us.
I was worried about going back to school at my age. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not too terribly old, but in my mind going to school with "kids" that just got out of high school worried me. I mean, I have been married longer than they have had their drivers licenses. And I have had kids longer! But, to my surprise, I was not the only older person in the classes... and not the only female either. I was relieved. The professor was very nice and helpful and also just around my age. It was really a nice time. We didn't stay the whole time, because it was the first day. We just pretty much went over what all we will be learning in these classes this quarter and what supplies we will need... then he gave homework. Yeah, on the first day. But it was okay, I got the majority of it done last night and need to go work on some now.
The kids are okay, grades are struggling but they will pull it together before too long. We are constantly working on the reading and math. Money and making change seems to be what Hannah struggles with the most. Lilly doesn't struggle with too much other than herself. If she thinks she can't do it, then it is hard to get her to try. Dale is just in pre-K so they don't tend to do much other than play learning.
Alright, I have to get the rest of my homework done and get ready for the PTO meeting this afternoon. And wash clothes and load the dishwasher. Whew, I hope I get used to all this excitement in my life. And, I hope I get better at blogging. I don't even truly understand how to load pictures on this thing. I need someone to teach a class on blogging. Any takers?
Bless ya'll,
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