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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Home, sickness and friendship

I am getting more and more excited as the days pass. We have found a house, or as we have deemed it, our HOME! We intend on moving the first weekend in December. Along with moving, we have decided that we will homeschool the kids. From what I have read, the local schools there are not very appealing to us. It is in a different county than where we live now. Yey us!! I have been so giggly about it over the past week, planning the decorating, planning the school curriculum. I find myself really enjoying all the God is calling me to do.

The children have all been sick this week. On Monday it was Hannah and Dale,along with my husband. Tuesday was Hannah again, then Wednesday they gave me a break. So, Thursday it was Lilly's turn. Beleive it or not, I actually prefer that they all get sick together. Otherwise, it seems to drag out for a month or so. So, this way, totally works for me. The girls helped me make homemade chicken noodle soup tonight. That seemed to have made everyone feel better. Well, today at least.

On a different note, although I haven't called her yet ( horrible friend I am) Becky seems to be doing great. She is really researching all of the medicines that they have put her on, and also her *disease. I am so proud of her. She isn't letting this thing bring her down. She seems like she actually has a sense of humor about it... wink.

Again, thanks to all of you that continue to pray for Becky, her family, myself along with my family. We are all so grateful for your thoughts and prayers.

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