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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Praise God!!

So, my friend had her procedure yesterday. As most of you know her as Becky. They told her that in fact she did not have a heart attack, she has Post Partum Cardiomyopathy. You can read her blog to get the more in depth description of what it is.

I want to thank everyone that has prayed for her, you cannot imagine how much it means to her. She told me last night that so many people have called and came by the hopsital to visit her that we will have to rent the Civic Center when she dies. She has such a great personality. I love her.

If I find time to blog again this afternoon, I will. Until then, I have some Tackle it Tuesday projects to do. I am so excited about getting some of these things done. I have been putting them off for too long now.


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